WEEK 1: between the legs series | (Level 1-3) w/ devin williams

Each video below has a progression that leads into the next level. Start at Level 1, and as you start to gain confidence in the drills, move on to the next video. NOTE: As you experiment with the drills, be mindful of the ones that make you U N C O M F O R T A B L E . That’s a sign to let you know it’s a drill you may need to work more on, and what a beautiful time to turn your weaknesses into strengths.


1) MAKE EACH DRILL A CHALLENGE: How many repetitions of each drill can you do in 1 minute?
2) RECORD YOUR SCORE: Devin names each of the drills, so get a piece of paper out, write down the move, and record your reps. Let’s see if we can keep beating our own score.
3) SEND US YOUR VIDEOS + SCORES: Send us videos of your work, so we can provide some feedback. We will also ask if we can share your video and score on our social media channels to inspire our community to want to get to work!

Instagram: @fenix.xp
Twitter: @fenix_seattle
TeamSnap: Ask your parents to share your content on the TEAM CHAT feature
Email: victor@fenixbasketball.com

Can you spot Coach Victor, Coach Tyreese, and Devin?
